Saturday 29 September 2012

when September ends

wake me up? hoh.. like i can sleep waiting for september to end...

for months i was being convinced that i cant deliver normally (vaginally)... and so for months i was expecting to deliver on the 15th of September..


and it was somewhere around 3 ke 2 weeks ago, ntah la minggu2 ni kasi confuse, finally the doctor lift the placenta previa diagnosis off me and told me i can 'give birth on my own'. thank u placenta for finally giving way, and thank u little girl for nicely engaging the head right where it shud be in preparation for birth...




awat tak kluaq2 lagi????????

i am now  a whale of a woman...
i am now 20kg overweight..
i am now no longer walking.. instead i waddle like a penguin..
i am now running out of maternity clothes to wear..
i am now running out of patience as well...

all they keep telling me is 'watch out for any leaking of fluids or blood'... all i leak is urine... especially when i cough.. ayaq ketuban tak pecah apa pon lagi.. teptiap kali pi toilet mesti check pantiliner dgn debaran di dada. Kot2 la ada darah ka ayaq ka apa. Mcmtu la debaran.. last2 aku yang bedebaq tahan sakit hati..

sometimes i tell myself, 'mungkin aku ni keturunan gajah, mengandong sampai 2 tahon'... bila tengok kaki yg kembang lagi kering kontang ni, lagi la convinced that i share the same genes as gajah...

and i keep getting phone calls, sms, tweet, fb comments yg template 'dah branak blom?'.. emmmm


(- ________-)


tiket yuna's homecoming dh beli dgn semangatnya... nampak gaya mcm kena pi pakai kain batik dgn stoking ja ni.... wateves~ aidonchker....

kalau besok blog ni takdak entry maksudnya :

1.tgh nak branak
2.dh branak
3.blom branak dan jiwa kacau

kluaq la kluaq la kluaq laaaaaaaaa~~~~~~

Thursday 27 September 2012

Eurotrip (Part 1 - London, Paris)


akhirnya tak allergic dah nak cerita about the eurotrip i had early this year. dah nak hujung september dah pon.. ye mmg sangat basi. i didnt talk much about it since i came back, didnt upload any pictures in facebook. sbb mmg tak leh nak recall sunggoh before this, everytime teringat mesti loya teruk. sebangang bangang alasan, itulah yg sebenaqnya..

forkeepsake im gona blog abt it (the best of what i can recall), sblom telupa teroih.

we went there somewhere in the beginning of February 2012.. it was a 1 month trip.. ada 5 org semua skali; me, edros, adam, oya and alvi. kira ada 2 couple and 1 lg bujang tranggtanggtangg. it was a belated honeymoon for us tapi honeymoon yg super fresh for adam and oya. dorang fly sminggu lepas kenduri bertandang. halalan toyyiba yg fresh from the oven gituu..


adam and oya the newlyweds

ini fazley@abg asmara hahaha
disebabkan book tiket lain2, me&dosh flew to london earlier sehari than the rest. it was my second time to london, dosh's first. tapi dua2 ekoq pon sama ja excited gedik2 dan jakun sepertimana budak sekolah first time pi lawatan sambil belajar. sebab baru kawen kot *yiihaaaaaaaa* 

jejak2 kaki kat heathrow kami mulakan dengan gadoh afdal laki bini.. kira mcm ice breaking session la. masa tu tgh2 winter, jadi sampai2 lps dh claim luggage haruslah gelabah amik sgala jacket dan glove bagai dan pakai sensiap. ada laa sorang maknusia tu ekshen. dia kata dia tak sejuk sgt, dia boleh handle. sbb taknak husband keraih kejong maka kami pun bertekak la tgh2 heathrow tu. last2 dia amik jugak jacket dgn glove tp pegang je la (amik syarat nak suroh bini diam) dan terus keluar airport nak isap rokok. tak sampai seminit kat luaq, dia masuk balik dgn muka merah mcm kena tampaq dan hidung tadi kaler brown jawa dah jadi biru (exaggerate over2). haaaaaaaaaaa~~ ketegaq sgt tadi..

lepas dah thaw

'i told you soo.....'
i wanted to post all pictures of the places we visited but come to think of it, sudah la gambaq tak profeshenel, dan cam byk gila plak tu.. so i decided to keep this post just for short2 stories and saving the moments we had there. nak tgk gambaq tempat2 attraction in europe guna google lg puas hati kan? hehehe
ok sambong balik cerita. london was cold at that time, average dalam 5celcius masa tu.. malam dan time angin tiup lain cerita.. yess, to mat sallehs and person who spent years in cold climate countries, this kind of winter weather is like tarakpapa, rilekajee. but for us, who are grilled daily in penang which sometimes can reach up to 40 celcius, 5 degrees is like kena kurung dalam freezer. SEJUK NAK MATI! sebab tu selimut etihad yg kami songlap adalah amat berguna sekali hehe

as the weather gets colder and colder by day, the less places we choose to visit.. lagi2 bila dah nak masuk malam.. once the wind blow, rasa mcm frost bite satu muka.. hingus jgn cakap la, sedaq2 dah keraih tergantung kat hidong. but we still managed to visit the famous places.. the regular ones mcm buckingham palace, london eye, big ben, tower bridge semua tu harus lah redah.. dan shopping !! sampai ke bicester village ktorang redah, shopping punya pasal. bicester village tu best, and much cheaper than high street prices. TAPI takdak lah murah mcm mydin. kalau benda branded2 mcm LV or Ferragamo tu, tipu la nak dapat dalam kategori ratus ratusan. kalau keychain mungkin la kot. jadi siapa2 yg claim bicester tu murh gilagilaaaaaa, haruslah dia memang golongan bangsawan atau pon sembang ja lebih.. murah kat sana is like kalau staandard price beli kat selfridges dlm 100pound, dkt bicester dpt la 30% - 50% off. ok la kann..

nampak mcm tak sejuk, tapi bukak glove 5 minit dah azab
rambot kepok2 biasa la awai2. semangat kental lg
ni pose wajib kat semua tempat. kuruih depa masa ni.
deni shopping paling best sbb tak payah ikot bini

family reunion! dosh's cousin aqila came all the way from kent to meet us up. (yg blkg tu bukan family kent, detu maskot peter stuyvesant)

ni dkt marble arch. taichi tetiba
gambaq ni kalau rotate lg memburukkan keadaan
depan buckingham palace. ayaq fountain pon beku. senang queen elizabeth nak buat ais kacang.
 to me, one of the best place to visit in london is portobello market in notting hill.. its an open air flea market.. eh flea market ke?.. lebih kurang mcm tu la kot.. ala2 rope walk kat penang tu tapi the items sold there takdak as kaput as rope walk. its a long stretch of road.. Portobello Market takes up most of what is actually more properly called Portobello Road, it stretches for around 2 miles, although on a crowded saturday afternoon it takes quite a while to walk from end to end.. ayat tu sah2 google.. kat sana ada mcm2 benda sepanjang jalan.. teleng gak kepala sat pusing kanan kiri.. ditambah dengan kejakunan yg tinggi, lagii la mcm nak tercabut kepala duk pusing 360 tgk sana sini. theres a ntique section, fruits and vege, new goods, second hand goods and fashion market (ayat ni google gak). dosh gila tgk antique, tshirt2, benda unik n paintings.. as for me, paling best tgk is the foodddd! fresh produce especially.. mentang2 la sejuk, main tabur ja sayur2 dgn buah2 atas meja jual tuu.. semua fresh dan saiz besaq2 dan kaler maler dan macam2 jenis.. kalau hotel ada kitchen yg complete, lama dah beli sesuka hati..

roti~~ ini kalau kat melesia mau kena hurung lalat dgn kulat selepas 15 minit
sila tapi 'ON ASMARA' dan hantarkan kepada 32111
a week in london, and we move on to the next place; PARIS.

masa nak board flight dkt airport to paris, we learnt a HUGE lesson. JANGAN LEMBAP! we thought the process was going to be just like taking a flight from kl to bandung ke jakarta ke ala2 dekat mcm2 tu. but we forgot it was an international flight and the airport security there is wwaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy dasyat than what we have here in malaysia. kiteorg rilek je lepas check in, makan2, pusing2 browse kedai2. lagi sejam nak board baru nak proceed to the gate, bajet konon dah awal habihhh. skali sampai kat baggage screening/security check arghhhhhhhh!!! line mcm tahi. beratot kalah nasik kandar beratoq! everything must go thru the scanner and its ridiculously tedious. lagi2 when it comes to liquid. "Passengers are not permitted to take any liquids over 100ml past security, any liquids under 100ml must be placed in a 'single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bags (about the size of a small freezer bag), which itself must not exceed 1 litre in capacity(approx 20cmx20cm or 8 inch square)". Exceptions: Liquids in large containers purchased in the secure area. Declared medication and baby food/liquids." (cilok wikipedia). We knew of the 100ml restrictions, tapi taktau la pulak nak kena guna clear plastic bags with specific size. baru la hegeh nak repack everything balik. although we managed to get our stuff repacked secepat mungkin tapi terima kasih la byk2 kat org depan yg tak bother lansung nak repack, bajet lepas tapilepas sekoq2 dok kena tahan. kalau sorang kena tahan, yg lain tunggu la sampai si polan tu clear baru boleh proceed to the next person. nangeh la kami yg dok kejaq flight yg masa tu rasanya kami mmg no hope nak board. after an hour, dah clear semua baggage kami pn lari lintang pukang nak kejaq flight. rupanya flight kitorang delayed. alhamdulillah!!! rasa mcm nak sujud syukur time tu gak.

before boarding to paris, taking our own sweeeeet time ~
finally we reached paris. at that time, it was already snowing. sejuk nak matieyy~ but the house we rented was so damn cosy.. rental dia je yg tak berapa nak cosy.. it was in paris that i did my second pregnancy test. the first one i did the night before we flew to paris, masa kat london lagi. i was late for 2 weeks, tapi tak bajet apa2 pon. beli tester pon kat poundland in portobello market (poundland ni mcm daiso@kedai lima ringget versi UK), buy one free one. itu pon, oya yg suggest suruh beli. first time test, i thought tester tu rosak. hahahahaha second precnancy test turnnssss :

gambar hiasan je ni
POSITIVE!? dan lepas tu bermulalah segala morning sickness yg terok maha dasyat, dasar psychology wanita.. sblm check bukan main sehat walafiat lagi hahaha.. and thats one reason i didnt really visit places like the rest. berkubang dalam rumah je most of the time. sgt lah tak best. to me Paris is beautiful, tapi french people satu mcm punya perangai. it could be the language barrier, or mmg depa sgt sombong terok. once i got stuck in between barriers to get into the subway, i tried asking for help from makcik who was in charge of the station, she just SHRUGGED and buat superbodoh. naseb la ada this one asian guy who was nice enough to help me out.. here's some picture when we're in paris..

depan musee de lourve
haaaa. ni la museum cerita da vincci code tu.. hegeh
muzium kat level bwh sbnarnye. dia bukan seketoi piramid semata, besaq bwh tu berlevel2
kecik je poster monalisa. sama mcm poster urtv gituuu~~
haii.. nama saya noni..
apa lagi nak cerita pasal paris... padan muka, peram sgt cerita sebelum ni sampai lupa dah mcm2.. i remembered the trip to eiffel... tempat yg paling afdhal pegi kalau pegi paris.. we met a malaysian guy there... he was alone, apparently dia flew from senegal (kalau tak silap), and transit dkt paris.. and he was taking his time visiting places in paris sorang2.. mat joe nama dia.. and camera dia gempak gila, itu harus ingat.. sbb kitorang offer diri dia amik gambaq kitorg kat eiffel, dpt la merasa gambaq profeshenel yg semua org pun included hehehe... patutnya plan nak lepak lama dgn mat joe tu, maklum la org yg career merantau bnyk sgt cerita yg interesting to share but sadly we lost him on the way to the subway.. miscommunication agaknya masa tu.. tambah pulak takdak contact number or anything.. i sure hope he didnt think we ditched him or things like that... sejujurnya tak sangka plak boleh termisscommunicate masa tu..

tak sah pi paris tak amik gambaq kat sini. hehe
notre dame cathedral. hunchback xdak, hunchfront tu yg pakai spek tu..
days in paris rasa mcm cepat sgt cause it was winter and kejap je dah malam... theres only a few times we actually dine outside, most of the time we cook our own meal at home.. thanks to our host, kitchen dia mmg best.. semua lengkap.. and tesco was just a few blocks away so senang hati la kitorang masak2.. masak spaghetti, ayam kurma, kurma daging, nasik, kari tuna... spaghetti tu je from scratch.. lain semua brahim's je hohohoho. but it was really fun staying in the same house with frens, we took turn doing chores as if its a fun thing to do.. apakah faktor tempat? ataupun semangat setiakawan di tgh2 perantauan? tak pun semangat feeling2 org baru kawen HAHAHAHA. alvi, walaupun single (masa tu), memainkan peranan penting sebagai kekasih tumpangan bagi edros dan adam.. sebab ada hari2 yg me and oya malas nak follow diorg klua.. so berdating la depa 3 org bagai belangkas.. i really dont know how these people can bergembira tahap tinggi in the frozen winter.. isap rokok dan minum nescafe 3 in 1 depan porch tgh2 snow pakai baju tidoq semata2 adalah routine harian masa tu.. tak heran sejuk ke?? tapi time tidoq boleh pulak berebut comforter bagai nak perang... ajaib~

haaaa penat la taip panjang2... its only half of the trip we had.. nak tulih semua rasa mcm type thesis.. kita sambung second entry naaa...

Thursday 20 September 2012


i never wrote a blog before. update status facebook pun setahun sekali, twitter ada la sikit2 bila meroyan minimal.

sejujurnya, i am bored. bosan tahap teruk. especialy now that i extended my candidature postponement to another 1 more semester. dlm surat tulis reason maternity leave. sebenarnya, my last semester subjects satu pun tak offer sem ni. kalau anak raja sekalipun, mimpi la lecturer nak bukak klas/design assignment/draft final exam semata2 seketul student. sob~ sob~

so here begins my another longggggggg cuti. and this is 1 of the plans i have to keep myself sane and occupied.

ok sat nak kena cari idea nak tulih apa. bai~